
A closely-held, low-profile consulting and investment group, Windhover is always open to discussing a potential collaboration or cooperation in an area of mutual interest to which Windhover can contribute value.

Windhover Ventures has no employee positions available currently (although were such a position open, Windhover would, as an equal opportunity employer, likely welcome an individual from any of a variety of backgrounds from those just starting on their career ladder to those that have years of experience in the field).

We are always interested to discuss internship possibilities, if you are strongly motivated, have an innovative spirit and a drive for excellence, are able to work independently, and eager to develop entrepreneurial experience and skills. We strive to host interns throughout the year (typically on a volunteer, career training basis) and provide internship "alumni" networking opportunities. To inquire about any current internship opportunities, please send an explanatory email and a resume to info@windhoverventures.com with "Internship Inquiry" in the subject header.